Carlos GarcíaSenior Auditor

Areas of Expertise
  • External Audit
  • Internal Audit
  • Financial Projections
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Tax Audits

With over 10 years of experience Carlos has audited both private businesses and public institutions.

SAENICSA comes up with results that are actually implementable. That is their strength compared to other firms.


  • Broadway Musicals That Changed the Game: Innovations and Milestones

    Broadway Musicals That Changed the Game: Innovations and Milestones When we think about the birth of the modern musical, one name undeniably stands out: Oklahoma! Before this groundbreaking show hit the stage in 1943, musicals were often a series of loosely connected songs and dance numbers. But Oklahoma! changed the game. It integrated song, story,

    May 17, 2024
  • How to apply and get residency in Nicaragua

    According to the current legislation on immigration there are two kinds of residencies: Permanent: Which is granted for five years. Retirees, Rentiers and Foreign Investor receive this kind of residency. Those who receive it are not required to make a deposit equivalent to a one way ticket to return to their countries. Provisional: It is

    June 16, 2022
  • Starting a business in Nicaragua

    Nicaragua is located in the heart of Central America and has stood out in recent years for consistent economic growth, strategic location and for being one of the safest countries in the region. Today there exist many opportunities for investors that establish a business in Nicaragua. With a low barrier of entry, even compared with

    June 15, 2022

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    I have run portions of my North American company in the cloud for many years and have worked with various bookkeepers and accountants. Based on my experience as a business owner, I highly recommend SAENICSA for the services they will be able to provide for your business.

    Beth Harris
    CFO, Cafe Bósque

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